Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

December 14: Celebrating Sinterklaas

Though Sinterklaas was officially on December 5th, we were unable to get our act together until Dec. 14th to celebrate it. The festivities began weeks ago as songs and shoes filled w/ food for the horse were enjoyed every few nights (see earlier blog). After a long week where Art and I barely talked to each other b/c we were both so busy getting our rhymes ready for each other and for the kids, we were able to celebrate. I drew the short straw of having to run around the house in the snow to knock on the door and run back to the back door. Zach was pretty overwhelmed. Wyatt was pretty underwhelmed. It was difficult for Zach to get the concept of there being a letter to read BEFORE ripping into the present. However, he loved loved loved the around the house chase for a present (where he opens a paper that says "look under your bed" and finds a papers that says "look in the dishwasher", etc). He wanted to do that again and again. Wyatt was less than thrilled with the presents I picked out for him which I thought he would really love. Then again, it was getting very close to nap time for them both. After they did all their presents (Wyatt got some soft plastic blocks that squeak and a little mirror toy for his bed/carseat. Zach got bristle blocks, a Cars themed plate/bowl/cup set and 2 homemade presents - a song book of his favorite made up songs like Rabbit plays Bob Ball and Rabbit eats dinner and the Sausa song, and "Zachary's Things that Go" photo album w/ pictures of him w/ various cars/boats/trains, etc. Thankfully, it was then naptime for the two boys, which gave Art and I a chance to really enjoy the things that we had written and made for each other. It was a very nice day, complete with the chocolate letters and papernotes sent to us from Art's Mom.

Pics below.


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