Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, January 16, 2009

January : The fort building craze begins

Art has made forts with Zach before, and he has enjoyed them, but never really asked for them or loved them. No more. Zachary is a fort building machine. He asks for one nearly every night now. Zachary generally prefers for "baby" to be in the fort too, but only briefly. One night Wyatt got his only little room, just for him. Mostly they are contained to the couch in the front room. However, one night I took off after dinner for a little break, and when I returned shortly before 8pm to put the boys in bed, I witnessed a fort that took over the whole living room. Wow. Here are some pics of various stages of forts and fort building. Even Dexter occasionally gets in on the action.



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