Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Zachary's treat

Poor Zachary rarely is allowed to watch any television or videos. We had been letting him watch 7min Thomas the Train videos on YouTube once or twice a day. Now that he's getting older, he's being allowed to watch stuff a bit more frequently - not every day, but as a treat for things. We have also instituted movie night on Fridays where he gets to watch 20 or 30 minutes of a movie before bed. This is very exciting b/c Wyatt goes to bed before he does. It can take a few weeks to watch a whole movie this way, but it's nice.

Here is a picture of Zach watching a video on our portable dvd player that we keep in the play room. He got a treat for something and is watching it before bed. I took the picture b/c he looks so old and serious. Yet this is something he really enjoys and asks for all the time.



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