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Tuesday, December 09, 2008

SNOW!!! And more snow, and more snow....

We finally got some snow that stuck. It had snowed twice before but nothing stayed on the ground. That was very pretty to see. But then winter moved in and started dumping snow our way. The first snowfall was a bit crazy. I knew it was coming, but was still surprised to see it all. I thought it was quite a bit, until the second wave of snow hit. Our first sticking snow was on Nov. 16th. It came in the night and was to pretty to watch. Everything had snow the next day, but it melted by late afternoon and the next day.
Pictures of Round 1 with snow

Then we had quite awhile with no real snow to speak of - flurries here and there. Then, the day that everyone left us after Thanksgiving, Nov. 30, we got about 3 inches. It just kept snowing and snowing. It was really pretty...if I could get over the fact that it was JUST THE BEGINNING. Here are some pictures of our winter wonderland. The red car on the far corner is ours. We did not own an ice scraper and I had to walk to Walgreens to get one just so we could use the car to go somewhere! I really felt like I was at some ski resort - walking through the snow to the store with my big snow boots on.

This time the snow did not melt the first day, or the second...still has not melted today, 9 days after the first snowfall. In fact, on Dec. 6, we got even more snow - another 3 inches. Art and Zach braved the snowfall to go out and play a bit. Here they are:

Today, Dec 9, is the first day the snow started to melt. The high for today was 42 degrees F, and it rained like crazy. All the rain melted most of the snow. At first. Later in the day the rain turned into snow again. I should be trying harder to love all this does look like a winter wonderland, and our cute downtown looks like a small city from the movies or something. Last night, after we bought our Christmas tree, we drove around the neighborhood a bit looking at all the massive houses and their extensive decorations. It was quite lovely with the backdrop of snow!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow that is so much snow!
I wish we would have so much

That's really cool!

6:15 PM  

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