Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, May 31, 2008

May 31: Happy Birthday Zachary

We can hardly believe that our little guy is two years old! When did that happen?

Zachary is already getting the concept of stretching out your birthday to make it last longer. He had two birthday parties. On May 7th, Zach and his friend Steven, had a double birthday party at the church with our play group. Steven is about a month older than Zachary. Then, a few weeks later, Zach had a birthday party at home on his actual birthday. In attendance were just Mom, Dad, and Dexter. Grandma and Nana were in attendance via webcam.

Here are some pictures of his party at the church. In attendance: Andrea w/ daughter Lily, Shebah w/ Vanessa, Katrina w/ Hannah, Jenny w/ Steven and Lydia, and Lana Packer came by as well. It was a Cars themed party w/ Cars plates, cups, and decorations. Jenny made a cake and cupcakes that were phenomenal. We had planned on singing some songs and playing some games, but the Moms ended up spending too much time chatting. By the time we got to the gift opening, both boys were a little grumpy. Zach really enjoyed both opening his presents and then playing with the gift RIGHT THEN. Steven was more concerned with just opening the present - ripping off the paper and such. Zach insisted on playing w/ each thing immediately. The only issue came when Steven and Zachary both got puzzles from 'Lily', but Steven's was a puzzle of tractors, cars, trucks, etc, and Zach's was of zoo animals. He threw a FIT and wanted Steven's puzzle. But, it was his party and he could cry if he wanted to. Luckily, he really enjoys that puzzle now, and no fists were thrown - nor any teeth used! Zachary got some great gifts, ones he really loves even now: oversize matchbox car, a forklift that makes sounds and lights up, a fire truck that makes sounds and lights up, a police car (no sounds!), a wheel loader, a set of bookends and a zoo puzzle. Check out our little heart breaker - giving a hug to Hannah; an older woman at that! :)

Here are some pictures from the birthday celebration at home. Art was very excited about starting the day for Zachary b/c he had planned his opening move for quite some time. He was looking forward to dumping balloons on Zach and filling his crib with them - 'boo-ya' to Zach. He loves loves loves balloons. Then, Zach got to open his birthday present from Mom and Dad ('Dadu') after breakfast - an 80 piece Lego Duplo set. The requirement will be that he has to play with them in our bed only - 1. to keep the pieces in one place, and 2. to prepare for the arrival of the baby ~ we're hoping that Zach will stay in bed and play legos while I am nursing the baby. The Duplo were a big hit. Later in the afternoon, at lunch, we set up the webcam so that the grandparents could watch Zach eat his lunch and his bday 'cake'. He hated the fruit tart (which he usually loves) and even threw a mini temper tantrum. C'est la vie. Lastly, after dinner, Zach got to open up all of his cards. He enjoys ripping open the card and then looking at the pictures. Occasionally he will "read" the card out loud, which is fun for us all.

Unfortunately, he was fairly grumpy for most of the day. So much so that we finally put him to bed early. We felt badly about that since it was his birthday and all, but sheesh, he was out of sorts! And me being SO pregnant did not help. But lucky for us, the baby did not come on Zach's birthday, so they do not have to share days!!



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