Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, May 16, 2008

May 16, 2008: 38 Weeks pregnant

One word: Uggh.
Our appointment went well this week - blood pressure is back up to normal, the baby is doing fine, and is a perfectly average size. The Dr. expects he will be about the same size Zach was when he was born ~ 7 lbs. I am feeling more and more cumbersome and taking longer and longer to complete tasks...though I can nap like a professional! :) Keep praying that the little guy (still no name as far as I'm concerned, though Art is set w/ his 'final selection') stays where he is until June 1st or after. I have a new pregnancy must have. For awhile it was Vla - the yummy Dutch pudding-like dessert. I still love the Vla, but I now cannot go a few hours with munching on some (generic brand) Fruit Loops. Hmmm, just thinking about them, I think I need a snack break. Some may recall my obsession with Toaster Strudels while pregnant with Zach. I do sometimes thing about them, but since I've never seen them here, it is pointless to dwell. It is odd though, because when we lived in the US, I did not like Fruit Loops at all. I never bought them, even though they were often on sale.

BTW, we have also been taking naked belly (NOT naked body) pictures for ourselves...but if anyone is particularly interested, I'll send you some. I think they make the belly look about twice as big.

Interesting story: Earlier this week Zach was looking at some pictures. He looked at one of me, then looked at me, then back at the picture, then patted my belly and did his "I don't know" shoulder shrug. I told him not to worry, that pretty soon, I won't have this giant belly anymore. Unfortunately I don't think that is good news for Zachary, since he does love to rest his head on my belly, and use it as an arm rest.

Our next appointment is not until May 28th.



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