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Saturday, May 03, 2008

May 2, 2008: 36 Weeks Pregnant

Here I am at 36 weeks pregnant. My last doctor's appt went well. She said that while the baby is putting a lot of pressure on my cervix, that he is big enough and lungs developed enough that if I go into labor at any point now, the doctors will not try and stop it. She said if I want to make it to 40 weeks (which I do), then I need to continue to be careful lifting and carrying heavy things.

I feel like a beluga whale. I know that I feel much bigger than I look - mainly because I am disappointed that these pictures do not seem to adequately project my immense largeness. I think all the walking and chasing after Zach has kept me pretty fit during this pregnancy, but has also kept me more tired and sore. Pros and cons to everything.

Zach is still very interested in the belly, and likes to put his head on it when it's time for cuddles. If he is being rough, and I have to say "be gentle to mommy", he always rubs my belly and hugs it. Of course he is too little to understand what is going on.



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