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Saturday, May 10, 2008

May 9, 2008: 37 Weeks Pregnant

37 Weeks down, 3 to go. Three of the longest, most miserable weeks I can imagine at the moment! Uggh. I am generally uncomfortable all the time - sitting, lying down, lounging, walking, etc. Basicially, if I'm awake, I'm uncomfortable. The baby is getting big enough so that when he moves, it is borderline painful now instead of just interesting or uncomfortable. It is taking me forever to get to the stores and back b/c I walk so slowly. But hey, what else have Zach and I got to do? :) So, even though I am ready for this baby to come out, I am still hoping he will stay in the full 40 weeks, and even a few days past that! Yes, everyone thinks I am crazy for that. I am starting to get nervous about labor & delivery, my stay in a German hospital (language issues), and the effect on our family of adding another little guy. So you could keep us in your prayers for that - peace and even excitement for all of us.

Again, I am disappointed that these pictures do not reflect how large I feel. Perhaps I am being over-dramatic....perhaps. However, at our bible study this week, it was discovered that I can no longer tie my own shoes. Good thing it is now warm enough for slip-on shoes!

Zach is very helpful, and always helps me off the couch or chair. He grabs my hand and pulls with all of his weight. I think it is very cute, even if it is just barely helpful. His heart is in the right place! :)

I do feel badly for Art. He is taking on a much larger burden of household duties. I just can't get everything done, and he is been wonderful at taking up the slack - with no complaints even! I am trying to give him longer Civ playing privelidges to make up for his extra work.

My next appointment with the Dr. is on May 14th.



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