Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, May 01, 2008

Zachary's April Showers

Just a few things that Zach has been doing this April.

Train of Trucks
Since coming back from the US after Christmas, Zach’s passion has been with cars, trucks, trains, and things that go – planes and helicopters are held in high esteem as well. On of the things he has enjoyed, much to our chagrin (we can no longer hang clothes/diapers on the radiator-warmed windowsill b/c Zach pulls everything off so he can play there) is lining his cars and trucks up on the windowsill. It has become a great play place for him. On this particular day, he must have been quite proud of the train of trucks he had made, b/c he pulled me out of the kitchen to have a look at his “fwain” (train), clearly very excited and proud.

Zach eating
Somewhat interesting thing we have noticed w/ Zach – he rarely uses his utensils the exact same way. For example, he generally eats cereal for breakfast in the morning, along w/ fruit, and when he feels like it, yogurt. Well, sometimes he eats w/ the spoon in his right hand, sometimes in his left, sometimes the entire handle is in his little fist, other times he gently holds on to the handle by the very tip (like in the picture). Just an odd quirk our boy has.

Zach with his big boy cup
While we were in the US for Staci & Creed’s wedding, Zach decided that he is too big for sippy cups and wants to drink only out of ‘big boy’ cups. So, we oblige, and endure the none-to-occasional spills. In his defense, the spills are usually from his not being aware of cup placement – hitting it with his elbow, accidentally setting it down on his fork, etc – and not spilling while he drinks it. We try and enforce the “two hands” rule. One day he caught on to the fact that he could hold the empty cup in his mouth w/ no hands – endless hilarity for him. At least it is incentive to finish his milk! In the last picture, Art has the milk carton and Zach is asking for more milk. What happens next is Art will ask “where does the milk go”, and Zach will point rapid-fire into his cup. Art loves this and encourages this at every opportunity. Zach does the pointing for his cereal bowl, and even tells you where on his plate he would like for you to put the sauce for dipping. He’s a pointer like his father.

Zach home videos
A new love for Zachary is to watch home videos of himself. He will sit and watch these for 20+ minutes. Some videos he does not enjoy and will quickly tell you, via sign language, that he is finished with that one. He does not at all like any of him crying, they distress him. He also has no interest in the ones where he is a little baby of 2 months old. He will see something familiar in a video, and point it out. For example, there is a video of him dancing, but in the bottom of the screen, his big dump truck is clearly visible. So every time he sees the dancing video, he is prompted to go get his dump truck and bring it back to have with him while watching the video. Tonight he did the same thing with his juice when the “baby” in the movie was drinking juice.



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