Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, August 31, 2006

Z.M.C. - 3 Months Old Today

Sorry for the long delay in posts. First we had company - Edward Morris - last Thurs - Saturday. Zachary had a cold we think on Fri/Sat, or at least he had a runny nose and was a little grumpy. He has since passed that to his Mom - who has been miserable since Sunday night, and his Dad - who's been slightly less than miserable since Monday. We all seem to be back on the mend though, which is a relief. However, the Zila Monster is in full force today - being extra grumpy and more sleepy than normal - so hopefully he's not getting it again.

The three pictures are for those who are tracking his month-old birthdays by photo.


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