Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Our last day before leaving for the massive family get-together trip.  We took a picnic lunch to a park that we went to long ago when Art was doing a coach's training.  It is a cool park with several different parts, including a bike park with dirt course with jumps etc.  Always fun to watch the big kids doing that.  This time we went over to the large rock climbing area for the first time.  We visited all parts of the park before heading back home for naps.  It's a good park.  Calabazas Park.  I aslo talked with an older lady that was there with her granddaughter.  She was telling me that she has three grown sons, and they all live within 30-45 minutes of each other.  She gets a lot of time with her grandkids.  Sounds so lovely!  Makes me sad for our parents who have to fly all the way out here.  You never know where The Lord is going to take you and what life will look like.  It is not what we would have chosen, but it is what God has given us and He is good to us.  It is quite lovely here!

Zachary made it on top of the monkey bars for the first time!

Yannick after his diaper change, riding on the bee.  He was sad that his brothers were done riding on the bee by the time he got there.

Big boys on the roller treadmill thing.  Such an odd piece of equipment. :)

Then back home to prepare for tomorrow's big day - as we fly off to VA, drive to Myrtle Beach, drive to ATL, and fly back home.


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