Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Yannick!!

Yannick Arthur Counts (how is it he never gets called Yac?)  Happy 1st Birthday to our little guy!  We are going to have to stop calling him the baby...he's quickly becoming NOT a baby anymore. It has been a tough year, but we made it to this momentous day!  Happy Birthday sweet bear!

Art helping Yannick open a birthday card

Yannick's decorated chair with presents (check out Nick in the background crawling toward the kitchen; not caring about presents!)
 Showing off his sippy cup skills!
Doing a great job vacuuming after making such a mess

Yannick with chocolate cake mess

Happy messy cake boy

Two videos of Yannick getting his cake and dancing while his brothers sing to him.
Here are some pictures, albeit out of order, of Nick and his brothers helping him open a present.

Yannick looks so proud here - he knows he is the center of attention!

 Looking for more yummy crumbs!
Big boys being a great help with opening presents.



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