Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Yannick in March

Here are some pics of our youngest during March, minus any Vegas pics.

3-18  We awoke after getting in LATE from Vegas to find spring had sprung for just a few days.  Here is the youngest Counts boy in his summer leisure wear.

March 29: Of course it got cold again.  Cold enough for long sleeves, but apparently pants are optional in the basement (that is Zachary's preference at least)

3:31 Yannick fell asleep in his carseat in the basement while we were trying to get ready to leave.  One of the big boys felt he needed to be armed, despite being asleep, and gave him a sword.  Z & W were fighting with light sabers and did not want Y left out.  Very funny to come downstairs to collect the 3 and see this.

3/31: We knew that Nick had been acting older than his age, but this is crazy.  He actually ate his corn off the cob using the handles.  The boy thinks he is 5!



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