Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, March 03, 2012

YAC - Transition time

It is time to start transitioning Yannick to the sippy cup.  I am doing this at the same time as the weaning begins.  With the other two boys, it was very easy, because nature did it for me.  The 4pm nursing would dry up, then a month later, the noon nursing would dry up, and so on.  Yannick however seems to have an endless supply of milk if I would let him.  But I would like him to be weaned shortly after his 1st birthday.  He is not the nicest nurser and there have been several blood-drawing bites.  Sigh.  All that to say, sippy cup, here we come!  In these pictures, it looks larger than his head!

He is not great yet, but he is enthusiastic, and eager.  Now we'll have to test him in a few days to see if he will accept milk from a cup and not from a bottle or from mommy!



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