Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Zachary - 1st Awana Grand Prix

Tonight was the night!  The first time Zachary had a car in the Grand Prix car races.  Zachary helped paint a few more coats and mom did a lot of the touch up work.  We wanted to add some racing stripes, but Z insisted the only thing the car needed was Batman driving it.  Art found some Batman stickers at Target, and soon, the Batmobile was piloted by Batman and even Robin.

Zachary's car with the blue ribbon (for participation, not winning)

Here is Zachary getting to sit in the "starter box", where he would get to push the button releasing all the cars on their gravity-fed downhill race.

Zachary and Wyatt cheering on the cars

There were some great cars in the race, many vying for "best design" car. An air hockey table design, one that looked like bacon, a killer whale, an Egyptian sphinx, a rocket, etc

Zachary's car in last place.  Sadly, Zachary's car got last place every time.  Next year we will do a better job on the wheels.  He was very disappointed that 1) he never won (every car races at least 4 times, once in each lane) and 2) he came in last every time.  He said he wished he had not made a car, which of course was heartbreaking.  We'll see what happens next year.  All we know is that we were there FOREVER because both Zachary and Wyatt wanted to wait for the end so they could get cake.  I was tempted to just go buy some cake for them so we could just go home.  It was easily after 9pm when we went home.  Sigh.



Blogger Bethany Headley said...

We didn't do the Grand Prix this year, but I have so many memories from my childhood!

12:06 AM  

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