Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, February 04, 2012


Zachary has started winter basketball.  This is the first year they are allowing 3yr olds in their preschool team, BUT Wyatt, who went as a basketball player for Halloween when he was 2, has opted NOT to play.  So crazy.  His reasoning "kids won't pass me the ball, so I don't want to play".  Good point.  He probably would be the youngest on the team.  Fine with us for him to wait until he is older so he can "dominate" (Art's word).

So just Zachary this go round.  This works great for us, because in Zach's age bracket, he plays other teams in a round robin fashion, so his game time is different every week, whereas if Wyatt played it would be at 9am every week.  So we would have had some days with a 9am game, and a 12pm game. Ick.  So it worked out just fine.  We are also able to time our visits to Ms. Beanie's to be bf or after the game, which also works out great.

A big plus for Zachary is that his best buddy David is on his team, as is another kid, Alex, who is in his class at school.  I look at Alex and think, that's us in 4 years.  Alex is the youngest of 3 boys, all spaced the same as our boys (2yrs apart, then 3yrs apart).  Scary.

Here's is some of Z's practice.
The boy on the left in the red shorts is David; he is holding hands with Zachary

Zach was also pumped that he is #1 (on his jersey).

A little passing practice



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