Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, January 14, 2012


This has been a mild winter and we have not had much snow.  We have finally gotten enough to go sledding.  We went as an entire family to "Mount Trashmore" (James Park) to do some sledding.  Yannick was asleep in the carseat for much of it.  I was a bad mom and ruined it for Wyatt.  I went down the hill with him, and my foot got stuck sticking straight out, and slid along the ground, which sadly, threw snow into Wyatt's face the entire trip down the hill.  He was DONE, and refused to do any more sledding - even with DaU.  So I took the younger boys back to the car to warm up. Art had made some hot chocolate and put it in a thermos, but the thermos was so efficient, that the hot chocolate was still piping hot and the boys could not drink it.  I had to pour tiny bits into a cup and blow on it for Wyatt. After Zach and Art were done sledding, Wyatt and Yannick braved the coldy snow again for a quick snowball fight before heading back home for lunch.

My boys at the end of the snow day



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