Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, December 23, 2011

Long Car Ride to GA

We were dreading dreading dreading this car trip to GA for Christmas.  After Yannick's STELLAR performance in the car in August (he was SO bad that I left Poppi alone to drive ZW back to CHI by himself and took a plane home with Yannick!), we were afraid.  However, Yannick is much older now - at this age, 4 months makes a HUGE difference.  One thing, he can interact with this brothers. Another, with his placement behind the driver (so Z & W can be next to each other to share games & videos) he can see mom or dad in the passenger seat.  Perhaps most importantly, he can EAT.  If he got fussy, no problem, feed him some banana with my finger, or give him some baby puffs!  Easy peasy!  And the big boys?  Easy as usual.  This year brought the arrival of a new distraction: the Gameboy that Zachary got for Sinterklaas.  He has no idea that it is the gameboy I had when I traveled for work 7 years ago or so.  He is SO thrilled with it.  He also does not yet know that there are many games for it. We just gave him one cartridge that has 5 games.  This kept the two boys quite entertained!

The only real glitch of the trip was when I was driving in the late late hours.  We thought we "might" be able to drive straight through and get to ATL in the wee hours and not have to stop for the night. While I was driving, I had 4 asleep boys in the car, and I was listening to my book on mp3.  When the phone rang (POPPI!!), for some reason I answered it.  And loudly (since I had the book playing in my ear, I forgot how quiet the car was).  It woke up Art, and woke up the baby.  Once Yannick was awake, it was all over.  The big boys were awakened and everyone was crying. So we got a hotel a bit out of Nashville.  So close, yet so far.  It was plenty late though - around 11pm.  No problems the next day though.

I feel like I should have some parental guilt that my 3yr old knows how to play video games!

Yannick getting lunch off my finger - where did I pack that baby spoon??

Two boys finally asleep and so cozy!

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