Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, January 07, 2012

We're FREEEEEEEE (mostly!)

Art and I and Yannick drove back to Chicago on Sunday, Jan 2nd, leaving the big boys at Leisure Dr. until Saturday evening, when they will be driven back home by Poppi and MeMa.  It was a mini-vacation for us, taking care of just one.  What did we do???  Mostly work.  I make the 40 minute trip to IKEA to spend all of Art's Christmas bonus plus some Christmas $ on new shelves etc to make a new and improved playroom.  We spent a few evenings putting it all together and getting it spiffy.  We did go out to eat a few times - so much easier with just 1!

Friday night we also went to the B family's house, put Yannick to bed and proceeded to destroy them at first the game Perfection, then Ticket To Ride (train game).  Bob was so furious that I beat him in the first game of Train Game (yes, I MAY have taunted him a bit), that he INSISTED we not leave, and had to play another game.  We got out of there around midnight, but BY JOVE, the won the game!  Granted he had to do it by being spiteful to Lexi, which was also humorous to watch her get irritated at him.  A great evening all the way around! :)  And Lexi made this wonderful brownie pudding thing that was so so so good!

Little Nick missing his superhero brothers is wearing his bib like a cape, which he did himself with no help from mommy!

Partial shot of our new & improved playroom - 2 Expedit cases, 2 green doors, 8 blue pull-out boxes, 2 Billy bookcases, and not shown stuva cabinet ~ $450.  We were still working on this, getting it done just barely before the boys got back home.  They were not impressed.  I had sent a text to MeMa asking her to show them the new playroom so they would not be shocked.  Well, Mommy is thrilled at least!

We enjoyed our little mini-vacation.  Next year, Nick will be old enough to leave also, and then it will be a REAL VACATION!!!!  Oh I am giddy with the thought of it!

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