Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, November 05, 2011


Or Soccer for us Americans.
Zachary decided he would like to play indoor soccer again this year.  Unbeknownst to him, his parents decided he would NOT play AYSO outdoor soccer this year, because they play on Sunday afternoons and right now it is too much to lead a bible study group AND play soccer.  So, we are utilizing the YMCA's indoor soccer again.  Change for this year is that they are allowing 3yr olds to play on the preschool team.  Before, age 4 was the cutoff.  We were so very excited that Wyatt would get to play, since he has wanted nothing more than to play on a real team!  Now our Saturday mornings will consist of getting up, going to Wyatt's soccer game at 9am, Zachary's at 10am, and visiting Ms. Beanie at 11am.  Lunch, then nap.  For the next 10 weeks.  No lazy Saturday mornings where we stay in bed as late as possible and bum around in our jammies and eat pancakes. It's worth it though.  You can't beat the price either!!  $50!

Here are some pictures of their first practices and games (they practice for 30 minutes before each 30 minute game).  Also, there is a set of brothers, each one the same age as Zachary and Wyatt who are also playing soccer this season.  Riley was in Zachary's Pre-K class, and Carter is currently in Wyatt's preschool class.  That should be a fun time for them, especially during the hour each kid has to wait while his brother plays.  Yannick will likely stay downstairs in the drop-in center.

Wyatt on the "blue" team, holding a yellow ball, in the middle, ready for soccer drills

Wyatt playing in the game

Zachary on the "fire" team, working on drills

Zachary practicing drills

Art and I are excited about another season of funny things kids do on the soccer field!  We have to get our $100 worth of entertainment too! :)



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