Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!


We were invited to a Halloween trick-or-treat party, but 1) we did not think that Art could make it there so early leaving work and 2) staying home might give us a good chance to meet some of our new neighbors.

First, before we REALLY got our trick-or-treat on, our family went to a nursing home a block away to trick-or-treat there.  The social director there had asked us to come by and bring other families if possible.  She asked because I had a meeting with her this week regarding our bible study group coming to their nursing home once a week to visit with the residents.  This would be our first glimpse of the place and the residents there.  We asked the C. family to join us as we walked there, and the W family met us there.

Here we are about to leave:

1970s Detective, Baby Puppy, Hershey Kiss, Incredible Hulk, IronMan off to visit the nursing home and prowl the neighborhood.

Looking good.

The C family looked GREAT.  They were dressed as Star Wars characters: Darth Vader, Princess Leia, R2D2, Chewy, Luke Skywalker, and Yoda.  What a fun idea. Maybe next year we will do a theme dress-up!

Our pumpkins waiting for us

Cute little boy as a shark brought back memories of when I was a shark in 5th grade.

Baby puppy kept losing his paws!  Good thing 1970s Detective was there to solve the case!

We trick-or-treated at The Grove, parted ways with the W family, then trick-or-treated with the C family for a bit until they met up with another family and we went on our way.  Zachary was bummed to no longer be trick-or-treating with his friend David, and was pretty grumpy the rest of the time, and finally just started asking to go home.  I was pretty sad that at AGE FIVE, he is already not fun with his family.  Wyatt had a blast and loved being with us as a whole family, but we finally went back home to have dinner (pizza!!) and appease Zachary who did not want any more candy.

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