Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Visit with Mrs. Beanie

Our new Senior Citizen, Ms. Beanie is working out wonderfully!  She is very involved with the kids, positive, chatty, etc, etc.  A big big change from Mr. Steffeck.  Since we are just a few days away from Halloween, I thought it would be a good idea to let the boys wear their costumes.  Zachary is Iron Man, Wyatt is Incredible Hulk, and Yannick has 2 to choose from - a pumpkin and a puppy.  We went with pumpkin today.

During today's visit I decided to take some Halloween crafts for the boys to work on with Ms. Beanie.  Wyatt lost interest pretty quickly.

Zach, Art, and Ms. Beanie making Halloween crafts

3 crafters, and one granola ("gola") bar chomper

After crafts, they boys wanted to play chess.  Zach is VERY into chess right now.  His friend David is in the chess club, and they play during free time at kindergarten.  We play all the time at home now.  Even Wyatt knows what the pieces do.  Neither of them are able to use much strategy, but Zach is starting to see what might happen if he makes a move, as in "if I move my Q here, you will probably bump me", or "I can't move my knight here unless it is supported by my pawn".  It's fun!

Ms. Beanie supervising the superheroes playing chess.  She does not know how to play, but the boys don't seem to mind

With our last Sr Citizen we volunteered with, I kept an eagle eye on the time, for when we could get out of there, but now, the time just slips by and we overstay our hour quite often!

Cute story:  On the way to the King home, we prepped the boys about what our plans for the day were: visit Ms. Beanie, then go pick out pumpkins.  When we got to Ms. Beanie's apartment, Wyatt goes up to her and says "when we get done with Ms. Beanie's, we're getting pumpkins".  

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