Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Picking out our Pumpkins

A little late this year, but we are finally picking out our pumpkins.  We will paint and carve them later this afternoon.  All 3 boys are in costume because before our trip to the pumpkin patch, we went to visit our Senior Citizen, Mrs. Beanie (86yrs old).  We  thought that she might enjoy them all dressed up.

We went to this pumpkin place 2 years ago, and since our time was limited, we decided to go here again.  Last year we went to Diedler Farm (about 45min away) with Tanta JaJa and picked out our pumpkin after horse rides, hay rides, carnival rides, etc.

The big boys each got a wagon to pull around the pumpkins.  They were instructed to each pick out one pumpkin to carve.  Wyatt first picked out a $52 pumpkin bigger than him.  We nixed that, and guided him to the more reasonably priced pumpkins.
Wyatt loading his wagon up just to pull the pumpkins around

Look what we found in the patch!
Our own little pumpkin!  Yannick should have been wearing the cute little hat that goes with this; it looks like the stem of the pumpkin
We simply could NOT get this kid to smile.  He was much too engrossed in what was going on around him.

Here we are trying to get a cute one of the 3 boys.  Never happens!
Still, no smile!  Our pouty pumpkin.

Ironman, Incredible Hulk watching over the pumpkins

Woo hoo, Yannick, over here; look here baby!  sheesh.

Off to home for lunch and a nap!

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