Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, July 29, 2011

VBS Show

This year, VBS for the church we partner with, required parent volunteer for a 3yr old to go to VBS.  Last year they let 3 year olds go w/ out the parent needing to be onsite, but this year they are down volunteers.  I was pretty sad about that.  LUCKILY, another church in Evanston, First Presbyterian, was holding a VBS for little guys too.  So I signed up both boys for that.  Our friends, the W family also went all week, and Stephanie was WONDERFUL to me by taking both my boys to VBS every morning!  It was great bc sometimes Yannick was still asleep, or just about to nurse, etc.  At the end of the week, all the VBSers put on a little show for everyone.  Zach, Caden, and Jack were in one class, Max in another, and Wyatt in a class with his friend Yong.  It was all very cute.  Stephanie took my camera to take pics bc I was nursing Yannick during the show.

Zachary and Jack, wearing the shirts they painted during class

Zach's whole class

Wyatt performed with his class, but for some reason would not get on the stage.  He stayed on the floor, and it was difficult to see him and get a shot of him.  I guess our fearless Wyatt got a little shy!



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