Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Counts Go Hollywood!

Today was a "first" for all three boys - together and separately.  Our local movie theater is running a summer special.  On every Tuesday and Wednesday at 10am, they show a kids movie for $1/ea person.  I thought this would be a great opportunity for the big boys to try out the movie theater at very low financial risk.  The first movie we decided to see (some movies I deemed too scary - like How to Train Your Dragon) was Curious George.  A GREAT first movie - not too long, not too scary.  In hindsight, I wish I had thought to have Wyatt wear his Curious George shirt and Zach bring his stuffed George.  Still, from their point of view a HUGE success.  From mine, a big big success, with bits of anxiety thrown in there.  First, it was a huge success just to get out of the house on time!  Yannick fell asleep in his car seat, but I suspected I'd have to nurse him sometime during the movie.  I was also nervous about what to do if I or the others had to go to the bathroom.  Could I leave just one, or both big boys in the theater and run to the bathroom w/ one, or just me & Yannick?  Argggh!

There were technical difficulties and the movie was late starting.  Very late.  boo that.  But the boys were patient, and happy to much on the popcorn and candy and punch that came w/ the kids meal deal ($5) I got for them (ok, and for the popcorn!).  I was relieved to see that I had two friends in the theater as well.  Laura W. arrived at the same time as us, but was sitting with another friend, pre-arranged, but knowing she was in the theater was a relief.  We sat in the front row of the 2nd section.  Yannick was asleep in his carseat, in the stroller below our feet.  I prepped the boys that if Yannick started screaming, that I would have to walk over in the hallway, but not be too far away.  If I was not in there, they could always go ask Mrs. W for help, and showed them where she was.  Then, yea, another friend, Robin C. came, and we made room for her, her 2yr old daughter, and her teenage niece in our row.  Sweet, now an adult I know in our row.  Yannick woke up before the movie started, but was content to be held in my lap.  Movie started and Wyatt was a little concerned about how dark it was, but quickly adjusted.

They both LOVED it, and had such a great time watching it.  Zach would just howl with laughter, almost embarrassingly loud.  I kept meeting eyes with another mom sitting next to Zach and we would giggle over his glee.  Then, it happened...Zach had to go pee.  So I took all 3 boys to the bathroom, not missing too much.  Back in our seats, and Yannick is awake and ready to nurse.  Good thing it's dark!  No problems there, he did not cry or scream.  Then, horror, Nick has had a poopsplosion and gone through his clothes.  I decide the boys can stay in the theater, and I tell them what's going on, and to ask Mrs. C for help and not to leave.  I asked Robin to keep an eye on them, and I hurried to change Nick.  Back in my seat to enjoy the rest of the movie.  Yes, Yannick watched some of it - oops! - but not much to be done to avoid it and it kept him quiet. :)  The one awkward thing was that Wyatt was not quite heavy enough, or legs long enough to keep the seat down.  He struggled with that, which was amusing to me, but not to him.  I had to jam the seat down a bit to help him out.

Such a fun fun fun time.  They thought it was the greatest thing ever to watch a movie in the theater, and are ready for the next movie!  I survived taking 2 kids and a newborn to the theater by myself, so yes, I'm game to do it again.  Not bad for an $8 outing! :)

Zachary and Wyatt before the movie started, enjoying the seats, the candy, popcorn, etc.  Yannick in the stroller at our feet.  They were wonderfully behaved.

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