Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

DaU excellent babysitter!

Now that we have a "real" baby, Zachary and Wyatt are often playing a game where they have their own babies.  Mostly this game involves them bringing me the babies and giving me instructions on what to do while I babysit them.  When to go to bed, when to eat dinner (these times never match with real life), what to do if they are crying etc.  Cute game, and fun for me too, bc I get a little glimpse into what they must think I say and do.

Today however, Art got the chance to be the babysitter while Zach and Wyatt went off to save people (they are always superheroes!).

Art with our real baby and Zach and Wyatt's babies - you can even see Zach's hand as he tries to hand Art more babies to babysit.  He's a great babysitter! :)

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