Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Zachary T-ball

There are times when you are painfully aware that you are lacking in parenting skills.  Today was one of those days.

Many months ago, we signed Zachary up for summer t-ball lessons.  Today was his first practice.  I was proud that we got there on time and that Zach was dressed for success: athletic shorts, t-shirt w/ a picture of a baseball on it, and a ball cap (thought of last second). I also remembered to bring sports chairs for the adults, and snacks for the kids. Clearly Aced Mom 101. What was NOT remembered, however, was that Zach might need a BASEBALL GLOVE!!!  Sheesh.  Never occurred to us actually that we should go buy him a glove, or that he might need one.  Double sheesh.  I played softball for HOW MANY  years and it never once occurred to me that Zachary would need a glove to play t-ball.  Sigh.  Good thing Poppi was with us.  He saved the day by making a Target run right after practice to ensure Zach would not be in that situation again.   Grandparents saving the day!  For the record, there were about 10 kids there, and I think 3 did not have gloves, so we weren't the ONLY loser parents.  I had to call Art at his conf to let him know we are terrible parents an he had forgotten about t-ball completely!

OH YES, I also forgot the camera.  Parent of the year awards not coming my way.  Luckily, Poppi had his. Here are some videos of Zach's batting practice.

He can crush the ball



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