Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Poppi and MeMa Save the Day!

Art was going to be out of town for a conference.  This would be the first time I would be alone with all three boys overnight.  Needless to say, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed.  So, Poppi and MeMa made another trip out here to help out.  VERY GOOD thing too, not only for the help, but because our power was out for several days.  No power also meant no hot water = no showers!  This was not the most enjoyable time for any of us. Poppi and I took the boys swimming on Friday mainly so we could get a shower!

Some pics at the house while still light

Z dressing up as superhero

MeMa with a smiley Nick

Boys hanging out as superheroes

Our blue-eyed superman

Z in his "nest" 

Today we went to the Children's Museum.  With the power out, it may not have been our best move.  The street lights were out, so every intersection was a stop sign, which meant traffic was backed up for a long while.  I think it took us 45 minutes to get there.  To quote Poppi "are we still in the same state?".  Alas, once we got there, it was an enjoyable time for all.  Again, the boys loved the water room and the Potbelly restaurant room the most.

Wyatt playing in the water room, his rubber apron not doing a great job keeping him dry

Zachary putting together an animal - while wearing his superhero cape of course!

The boys also spent a good portion of time in the music room this time.  Fun for all.  It was much faster getting home thankfully, though we came home to no power again.  Sigh.

After naptime, I had set up an appointment with Carolyn to see the house we are thinking about putting an offer on.  I wanted Poppi and MeMa to see it and weigh in bf we move forward.  Afterwards, we let the boys go crazy on what *might* be our new playground!

Zach on the tire swing

Zachary climbing on the fire truck

Boys playing on firetruck at playground

Then we ordered Zoba'a (thanks Dad!) and went home to a dark house.  Much easier to order food or eat out when no power!

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