Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Apple Picking!

Last year we tried to go apple picking, but it rained every weekend in October.  This year, we were finally successful!  We went into Wisconsin with the W family to Apple Holler.  It was a bit of a drive, a bit overcrowded, a bit "commercial", and seriously seriously windy.  Despite all those bits, it was a lot of fun.  I was really stressed at first, and was having a hard time relaxing, but once all 3 boys were fed, and I especially was fed, things started to be more fun.  We spent some time in the corn maze, some time in the kids playground area, some time in line buying apple donuts, some time watching a pig race, and finally on the wagon to head to the orchards for the actual apple picking.  Once we arrived at the orchards, everything was so calm and serene, it was lovely!  Such an enjoyable time.  Neither Art nor I (and by extension, neither had the boys) have never been apple picking, so this was such a thrill for all of us.  Wyatt did wet himself attempting to use the port-a-potty which he said was gross, but luckily Stephanie had an extra pair of jammie pants which she let us borrow.  Wy did not care that he looked silly! :)  One of the more enjoyable aspects of the orchard was that you could eat as many apples as you wanted that did not count toward the apples you took home.  We all ate many many many apples that day - more than enough to last us awhile!

Handsome Wyatt munching away on an apple (with the skin mind you!!)

Wyatt with his bag of apples, going deep into an apple tree for more

Handsome Zachary with his apple bag

Zach gathering apples from low branches (low hanging fruit?)

Shayna eating her fill while Yannick naps

Wyatt showing the camera his stash

Wyatt off with his apple bag

Proud of the apples he picked

After a good long while, Wyatt, who was way past naptime, started to get tired, so he, Yannick and I went to sit out the rest on some benches by where you get picked up to be taken back to the main area.  Art and Zachary continued on with the W family to explore more rows of apples and different varieties.

It was a long long day - we stayed many hours longer than I thought we would.  But enjoyable!  We went home and had a quick dinner then everyone off to bed.  So glad we did it.  Next year though, we might go to a place that is JUST orchard, without all the bells and whistles.  and crowds.



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