Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Kindergarten Fundraiser

Zachary's school had a fundraiser called "Step Up for King Lab".  The entire school danced for 1 hour and asked for donations.  I had the opportunity to go watch some of the festivities, taking Wyatt and Yannick with me.  So cute to watch all the kindergartners dancing around.  The school hired a professional dance studio to dj and lead the kids in dances for an hour.  Zach's take on the whole thing "it's a lot of work". :)  It's safe to say he did not love it.  Nor did he love calling people (FAMILY) on the phone to ask for $$.  However, he DID want  to get the prizes associated with various giving levels! :)

Zachary is in the red and navy striped jacket with the navy pants w/ a light blue stripe

Some of the kids were really into it, but he was just phoning it in. :)

Yes, these are kindergarteners dancing to "who let the dogs out".  Sigh.  
Sadly, this song made several reappearances with learning. "who let the 'M' out...mmm, mmm, mmm, mm" etc.  Double sigh.



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