Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Baby Things!

Just a few little pics for our baby Nick!

Our happy baby!

Taking a little evening nap on DaU, in bed

Hanging out with Dexter

In his favorite place, curled up on DaU

Our active little guy!  It is fun to watch those arms and legs go wild with no control!

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

My Three Sons

Poppi attempted to get some decent pics of the boys after church.

goofy boys!

So tired from all the pictures!

Then out of those church clothes into something more comfortable!

Zach as Spiderman chatting w Nick


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Zachary T-ball

There are times when you are painfully aware that you are lacking in parenting skills.  Today was one of those days.

Many months ago, we signed Zachary up for summer t-ball lessons.  Today was his first practice.  I was proud that we got there on time and that Zach was dressed for success: athletic shorts, t-shirt w/ a picture of a baseball on it, and a ball cap (thought of last second). I also remembered to bring sports chairs for the adults, and snacks for the kids. Clearly Aced Mom 101. What was NOT remembered, however, was that Zach might need a BASEBALL GLOVE!!!  Sheesh.  Never occurred to us actually that we should go buy him a glove, or that he might need one.  Double sheesh.  I played softball for HOW MANY  years and it never once occurred to me that Zachary would need a glove to play t-ball.  Sigh.  Good thing Poppi was with us.  He saved the day by making a Target run right after practice to ensure Zach would not be in that situation again.   Grandparents saving the day!  For the record, there were about 10 kids there, and I think 3 did not have gloves, so we weren't the ONLY loser parents.  I had to call Art at his conf to let him know we are terrible parents an he had forgotten about t-ball completely!

OH YES, I also forgot the camera.  Parent of the year awards not coming my way.  Luckily, Poppi had his. Here are some videos of Zach's batting practice.

He can crush the ball


Coke Gyser

Poppi read online about how putting Mentos (one type only) into a soda would cause the soda to explode.  He thought this would be a fun experiment to do with the boys.  THEN, after watching a few videos of failures online, he thought "hmmm, this might be a bit dangerous" and decided NOT to do it.  However, the idea seemed too fun, so he thought of a way to do it safely.

He jerry-rigged a safety device that would allow him to drop the mentos into the tube, with the safety panel in place, remove safety panel and run back to safety as mentos dropped into unsuspecting soda below.  A LOT of time and effort went into this little experiment.

Here's where it didn't work.

The safety device was TOO safe, and did not allow the mentos to fall into the soda.

Here is where it DID work

pretty cool!


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Poppi and MeMa Save the Day!

Art was going to be out of town for a conference.  This would be the first time I would be alone with all three boys overnight.  Needless to say, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed.  So, Poppi and MeMa made another trip out here to help out.  VERY GOOD thing too, not only for the help, but because our power was out for several days.  No power also meant no hot water = no showers!  This was not the most enjoyable time for any of us. Poppi and I took the boys swimming on Friday mainly so we could get a shower!

Some pics at the house while still light

Z dressing up as superhero

MeMa with a smiley Nick

Boys hanging out as superheroes

Our blue-eyed superman

Z in his "nest" 

Today we went to the Children's Museum.  With the power out, it may not have been our best move.  The street lights were out, so every intersection was a stop sign, which meant traffic was backed up for a long while.  I think it took us 45 minutes to get there.  To quote Poppi "are we still in the same state?".  Alas, once we got there, it was an enjoyable time for all.  Again, the boys loved the water room and the Potbelly restaurant room the most.

Wyatt playing in the water room, his rubber apron not doing a great job keeping him dry

Zachary putting together an animal - while wearing his superhero cape of course!

The boys also spent a good portion of time in the music room this time.  Fun for all.  It was much faster getting home thankfully, though we came home to no power again.  Sigh.

After naptime, I had set up an appointment with Carolyn to see the house we are thinking about putting an offer on.  I wanted Poppi and MeMa to see it and weigh in bf we move forward.  Afterwards, we let the boys go crazy on what *might* be our new playground!

Zach on the tire swing

Zachary climbing on the fire truck

Boys playing on firetruck at playground

Then we ordered Zoba'a (thanks Dad!) and went home to a dark house.  Much easier to order food or eat out when no power!

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Yannick awake time

Here is a short little post.  Just some pics of Yannick awake and alert.  Spending time with the boys propped up on my knees in bed has always been a favorite of mine, with all 3 boys.

Amazing how different angles and different faces can make the same child look so very different!

A little video to go along w/ the pics.
Little Nick just doing his thing


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Aunt Joy's Visit: Sunday - picture time

Now is the time from the visit where we try and get decent photos of the boys and the guest.  So difficult!!

These are the best we got!  Not wonderful, but it will do. :)

Thanks Aunt Joy for coming to visit us!  We love you!

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Aunt Joy Visits: Sunday

First off, Father's Day!  Happy Father's Day Art!  We celebrated with breakfast in bed, though Nick will have to wait until next year to eat pancakes and bacon!

 We tried to start off with the boys at a table at the end of the bed

 But they felt they needed to be WITH DaU

I hopped in for a picture too!

In our house Aunt Joy is known for doing crafts with the boys.  They know it and expect it.  This visit, Joy brought stuff to make their own pinatas.  What a super fun idea!  She used paper bags, stickers, markers, and of course put tons of yummy candy in them.  Big boys loved loved it!
Here they are making them

Then outside to destroy them!

Zach first
 A little dangerous standing on the side there
Seems too high to reach

Zachary going to town on his pinata

Zach with his defeated pinata
Then Wyatt.  Art learned that he should use the rope to lower the pinata so they could reach it a little better

 Wyatt giving it his best and finally enlisting the help of DaU

Wyatt with his goodies

So much fun!  Thanks for the super fun idea Aunt Joy!

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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Aunt Joy visits: Saturday evening

Tonight I was going to a dinner party for a friend's 29th birthday.  Joy and Art were planning on grabbing take-out and heading to the "roller slide playground", aka Lincoln elementary school.  They took off and gave me 30 minutes to get ready in the quiet, which was treat!  I stopped by the playground on my way out
Dress almost fits post-maternity!

Just to make sure all was well.  Of course it was, so I was on my way.  In my absence, many things occurred.
First, the playground
 Big boys having a slide race (hard from this angle to see which one is older)

 Art hurting himself a bit!

 Big boys loving roller slide

Zachary getting his bumpy ride

Then they all went back home for more shenanigans, what the boys call "mess of pillows" which I do NOT allow when I am at home.  For one, it is a HUGE mess - yes, they get the mattress off their beds to use as "safety devices"...sheesh.  Second, and most importantly, I can't stand to see them engage in activities I think are too risky or dangerous.  That is why it is important to have a dad!  Or better, a DaU! :)

First Wyatt

 Yes, that is Buster the bear who has made it on the pile of safety devices!

Even looking at the pictures makes me nervous!

Now Zachary

Yikes and double yikes!

Then the big boys went to bed and the adults, while mommy was still out partying, got some time with Yannick.  This is how it was when I came home at 10pm.

 My little guy asleep with Aunt Joy!

After some playtime with DaU of course.

A seriously fun and full day!

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