Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

5 years of Zachary

Read about this tradition in a magazine bf Zach was born and decided I wanted to do it.  So far I've been successful.  I hope I can for another 13 years with Zachary.

1st bday


3rd (age Wyatt is now)



When he is 18, I'll make a stop-motion movie of all 18 years.  Short movie. :)


Happy 5th birthday Zachary!

Our baby boy is turning 5! FIVE! It seems so old! How did it go so fast?

Zachary's birthday starts the same every year - with having balloons dumped on him  in his bed while we sing happy birthday.  This year instead of just dumping them, Art tried to use a fan and blow them into the room.

Here Zachary is kicking all the balloons in the air

Wyatt not wanting to wait until his own bday balloon dump in 4 days

Then off to breakfast where his chair is decorated

He opened a present at breakfast - Dash from the Incredibles

At dinner it was time for cake, candles and the rest of the presents!

Opening presents

Excited about the Incredibles book (thanks Ebay for all the Incredibles toys!)

Then, to top off the evening Art did a sleepover with the boys, which they ADORE!

Art reading to Zach & Wyatt on Art's "bed"

Special birthday memories!


Monday, May 30, 2011

Visit with Mr. Steffeck

Today we took the whole family to visit Mr. Steffek, a Sr. Citizen living at the King Home.  We try to visit with him at least twice a month.

Nana holding Nick & swinging with Wyatt

Zachary and Wyatt eating their dinner

Art with his youngest

Art, Yannick, Mr. Paul Steffeck


Friday, May 27, 2011

Wyatt crazy sleeping

Wyatt is very much like his DaU in that he prefers to sleep with his feet hanging off the bed a bit.  This night however, we think he went a tad overboard!!


Nana arrives & End of school / Summer Birthdays Party

Poor Nana.  Her flight was delayed and delayed and delayed.  Art finally was able to get her from the airport around 1am or so.  But she did finally make it.  Just in time, because today is Zachary's very last day of preschool.  For his WHOLE LIFE! :)  There was a little party in his class to celebrate the summer birthdays (including Zach's).  Nana got to go to that party, but spent most of her time there doing this:

Nana taking care of "Baby Nick" and giving him a bottle so I could enjoy Zach's class party

Wyatt, as always, making himself at home in Zach's class

Zachary (in blue) sitting at the table for snacks and water

Here, the kids with summer birthdays got to hit the pinata 4 times to try and break it.  It just would NOT break until Ms. Meredith finally went to town on it.  Here's Zachary giving his all for his 4 whacks

Zach's class grabbing for candy and treats out of the pinata


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Poppi & MeMa return with Big Boys

Poppi & MeMa returned earlier than they would like, to ensure that Zachary did not miss his preschool graduation.  Here are some pics taken the day before Zachary graduated:

Zachary lining up many of the action figures from the "people box"

Poppi helping Zach with the action figures

Poppi babysitting the 3 boys - where is that lazy MeMa?? - prob doing the dishes!!

Sleepy baby Nick!

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Zachary Graduates!

Today is a momentous day.  Zachary graduates from preschool.  He is released into the world where he will have to attend kindergarten in the fall (which I am ALREADY dreading).  The YMCA makes a big deal out of preschool graduation.  All three classes (one part-day~Zach's, and two full-day) learn two songs, wear graduation caps, and receive a "diploma".  A big night. 

Poppi and MeMa brought the big boys back into town just in time for Zachary to be able to graduate.  It was a busy day.  First, after preschool, the class met at Charlie's house for pizza and playing.  Poppi and MeMa were able to go, as was DaU, who took his lunch hour then to be able to attend the festivities (and eat pizza!).

Later that evening, we drove Z to the Y by 5:30 and got ready for a 6pm graduation.  So so cute!  I was near tears it was all so cute!  After the ceremony, they showed a slide show of pictures of all the kids, and Zachary was in a few of them which was nice.  After the slide show, everyone met downstairs for a potluck dinner.

Here's the pictorial record of our evening.
Here we are, excitedly watching Zach's class come onto the stage: MeMa, Shayna, Art, Wyatt, and Yannick asleep in the carseat

Zachary looking for us, sitting next to Clara - an old favorite (we always tried to "beat" Clara to school, she was always there first)

They smartly turned on the house lights so the kids on the stage could locate their families, and here Zachary is spotting us!  My heart swelling like a cheesy Hallmark card!

Wyatt supporting his brother

Zachary's Diploma

Proud parents

Our graduate!

I am certain we'll have many more of these little graduations, prob from Kindergarten, then from elementary school, then middle school, then finally high school before we get to any higher education ceremonies!

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Monday, May 23, 2011

Fun at PoppiMeMa's House

Zachary and Wyatt did a lot of fun things while visiting in ATL.  Among them were:

Some bigwheel riding

Some fun at Hippo Hopp, an inflatable jumping place

Some building with the K'Nex

Some hanging out and playing superheroes:

Zach in Ironman costume Staci made

Zach as Thor, Wyatt as War Machine

And some going to Stone Mountain again (in a separate post).

Fun for all!

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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Yannick Time - no brothers

After Joanna and Alex left to their respective cities, Art and I had some alone time with just Yannick.  Pretty quiet and easy around here.  Some things I did were SLEEP!, read, tour King Lab, library, shopping, dinner at Matt & Kylan's and SLEEP.  Art and I also looked at 5 houses while the big boys were gone.  Here are some of the pictures that were taken during this 10 days of leisure!

Our little peanut asleep

Asleep with DaU

Big yawn!

Dexter taking advantage of an empty warm stroller

Nick during an alert phase


Friday, May 20, 2011

Stone Mountain Visit

Poppi and MeMa took Zachary and Wyatt to Stone Mountain Park again to do some of the activities there.  Here are the pics from Poppi's camera:

View from skylift

MeMa enjoying skylift

MeMa changing Wyatt's diaper

MeMa, Zachary, Wyatt climbing mountain

MeMa, Zachary, Wyatt on the train around the mountain

Poppi, Zachary, Wyatt, MeMa by train

Poppi, Wyatt, Zachary on top of mountain

Skylift car

Zachary's face, Stone Mountain's face

So many fun things in one day!

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