Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, April 25, 2011

Our new & improved family

Finally, our first family picture!

Our first new family photo: Nick (10 days), Wyatt (nearly 3), Zach (nearly 5)

Our newest addition at 11 days old

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter - HE IS RISEN!

Happy Happy Easter!  What a glorious day for believers!  Our Jesus rose from the grave, defeating death, all to atone for our sins.  Praise God!

Yannick and I did not go to church today unfortunately.  I just did not feel comfortable taking him out this soon.  So the big boys, Art, Opa and Oma went.  Zach was part of the Easter performance at church, which I was sad to miss.  Art and I did not do a great job preparing him, so he was not exactly proficient at the songs.  Bad parents!!

Zach is in the front row, second from rt in a black suit - courtesy of Nana


After the service, our church hosted an Easter egg hunt in the park across the street.

Oma in the park w/ Zach & Wyatt

Wyatt hunting

Zachary hunting

Then they came home and we attempted some family photos - FAIL!

Attempt at Easter picture - pitiful Wyatt!

Counts boys at Easter

Opa and Oma looking at the boys' baby picture albums

Around 2pm, little Nick had his first babysitter:  Opa and Oma kept the 3 boys so Art and I could go to Easter lunch at Paul and Susan's.  So wonderful to be without our kids for a bit!  After a full meal at the B. family, we also had a pretty full meal at home too.  There are worse things than 2 Easter meals!

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Easter Eggs!

We took some time today to dye Easter Eggs.  Always a favorite for Art who attempts to make the UGLY (you ain't got no alibi) egg.
Proud Mom looking on as Zach dyes some eggs

Two boys enjoying themselves

DaU getting in on the action with Zachary and Wyatt

Finished product - Can you guess which is Art's famous "ugly" egg?

A nearly complete set

All of us enjoyed dyeing some eggs.  I even did one or two, which then got taken over by Z&W, which was fun too!

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Yannick First Bath

No submerged bath yet b/c of the umbilical cord, so here's his first sponge bath.

Not a fan of the bath so far, despite the warm water and attempts to keep him warm!

getting warm and dry!

So far, not a huge fan.  Hopefully when his cord falls off, he'll enjoy being in a warm bath!


Settling in with Nick

The first few days at home have been a bit hairy - good thing Opa and Oma are here for awhile to help ease the transition!  Here's some of what we've done:

Opa escaping Superhero Duty by reading!

Wyatt taking his job as big brother very seriously

Zachary feeding Nick a bottle while video chatting on the computer with Poppi and MeMa. 

Zachary revisiting his old car seat - not a bad lounging chair!

Zachary and Wyatt and I play a lot of Superhero Squad Go Fish and reading books while I nurse Yannick.  It's been very nice to get this special time with the big boys, since we rarely seem to sit down for long periods of time together, and now we're doing it several times a day!  Wyatt and I have had great bonding time too, while Zach is at school.  With Oma and Opa here, my work load has been severely diminished, and I'm able to just enjoy being a mom and taking care of Yannick.

Yannick is clearly catching up.  He does a LOT of sleeping.  More than I remember the other 2 doing as newborns.  Sometimes he'll wake only to nurse then go right back to sleep, being alert for a bit only 1-2 times a day.  There is a big difference in activity level between a baby born at 41 weeks-3 days (Zachary), or 40 weeks-5days (Wyatt) and 37 weeks on the nose (Nick).  I keep telling myself to enjoy it now while it lasts!


Monday, April 18, 2011

Nick Comes Home!

Yannick has been cleared to come home today.  He finished his round of antibiotics (and it was deemed that he did not have an infection, and probably never did).  His biliruben test was high (10), but not high enough (12) to keep him and treat him for it.  He has been eating well.  Now the last obstacle to pass is the carseat test.  They have him sit in his carseat for 30 min to make sure his respiratory and heart rates stay normal.

Nick looking tiny in his carseat

As a side note, we were not really prepared 1) for Yannick to be born so early and 2) for him to  come home from the hospital so quickly.  Zachary - 10 days late, 7 days in the hospital; Wyatt - 5 days late, 17 days in the hospital; Yannick - 3 weeks early, 4 days in the hospital.  As part of our unpreparedness, the cover to the carseat was washed just this morning, and still a bit damp when we went to pick him up.  Bad parents?

While he snoozed in the carseat, the nurse gave us the full discharge spiel.  Then it was time!  I dressed his teeny tiny body in his going home outfit Nana bought.

Our little peanut

Mommy w/ the littlest Counts boy

Proud DaU

Then we gathered up our freebies (a ton of stuff!  Thx St. Francis!) and put him back in the carseat for the 0.7m ride home.

Nick w/ his monkey blanky - thx Nana!

When we got home, he was still asleep, so we left him in the carseat, and I went off to nap.  And so it begins!


Wyatt still trying the potty

We have not given up on Wyatt getting potty trained.  Here's our best effort:  Wy sitting on the potty, watching a video, drinking a juice box.  Alas, nothing.  One day!

At least he is willing now!


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Baby Steps for the Baby

Nick has graduated to clothing today.  In Germany, when Wyatt finally graduated to clothes (several days after birth), they gave him a full outfit.  Here, like Albuquerque, getting clothes just means a shirt.  Sadly, only one arm, b/c of the IV in his hand.  Still, clothes are a nice little milestone.

Today I get to try and nurse him.  His respiratory rate has been too high for me to try earlier.

Art getting to hold Nick

sleeps w. his hands by his face like Mommy

splotchiness mostly gone

held by mommy

red line is what we're interested in.  Respiration rate should be 40-60; not the 92 his is.  The green line, heart rate: 116 shows he is asleep.

Nick's set-up: a scene we are used to

Our handsome guy!


Friday, April 15, 2011

Yea for Yannick! We're Nuts for Nick!

BBC3 has arrived!  3 weeks early to the day.

April 14, 2011  11:49pm
~ just 11min shy of being a tax day baby.  For the record, I did ask if we could wait, and they basically said no.  They thought it would take longer to push.  I started pushing at 11:40, and 9 minutes later, our little guy was here!
Yannick "Nick" Arthur Counts
6lbs 7oz, 19.5" long

The story:
I had had contractions on Sunday night for about 5 hours that did not lead to anything but extreme exhaustion.  They did, however, make me finally get organized...I finished packing the hospital bag, writing out instructions for whoever would stay with the boys, cleaning up a bit, etc.  The contractions seemed better when I was up and about.  I finally went to back to bed and they stopped at 5am.  Monday, while exhausted, proceeded with no further excitement.

Wednesday night/Thurs morning, 3am, same thing...contractions start, and I get out of bed and busy myself...thinking this just might be real this time.  Turns out I was right, but it took a long time to get there.  I had an ultrasound & non-stress test scheduled for 10am, and thought I'd wait until then to see what the deal is.  I had asked Art to stay home with Wyatt (he originally was going to the Y with Cheng and Jong) until we found out of I was "really" in labor.  BUT, wonderfully, Carolyn (mom of Zach's preschool classmate) offered to take Wyatt home w/ her when she picked Zach up for school.  Relief!  So off I went to the appt.  The nurse basically said she did not think I was in labor (by this time the contractions had slowed/stopped) and that I was "not a good candidate for early labor, given my other two children were 10 days late, and 5 days late"  She called my OB to chat about it, and she said I could run upstairs if I wanted to and have her check me, or just wait until my appointment the next morning.  I figured, hey, I'm here, in the bldg, my kids are taken care of, might as well.  So off I went upstairs to get checked.  Turns out I was about 2cm dilated. She sent me home telling me that I need to be on "modified best rest" so we could get another week or two further along.  I headed home to obey her marching orders.  Carolyn graciously offered to keep the boys for lunch and bring them home around 2pm for a nap.  So nice!  So I made myself a quick lunch, and sat on the circle chair watching Netflix for an hour.  Then, around 1pm, my water broke!  Uh Oh!  Panic!  My dr office was to reopen from lunch at 1pm, but I still had not been able to contact them by 2pm.  I finally called the hospital, and they said to come on in.  So Art came home, while I arranged for people to watch Zach and Wy.  Our orginal plan was for someone to stay with them for 2 days at our house, but she had to leave town due to a death in the family.  After a few calls, we finally had a plan in place:  Zachary and Wyatt would stay with Carolyn until after dinner.  She would then bring them home where Lorrie would stay the night with them.  Her husband Brian would come over at 7am so Lorrie could go to work.  Then Stephanie W. would come get them at 11am so Brian could go to work.  Art would hopefully be able to get them from Stephanie's later in the afternoon/early evening.  That taken care of, I finally felt comfortable going to the hospital.  I still believed that this might not be "real" and they would send me home.

I got to the hospital around 3pm, and they checked me out, found out that my water had broken, and that I was still around 2cm dilated.  The contractions were starting again, but very slight.  Once the Dr. said "you will not be going're going to have this baby", Art called his parents to ask them to come a 2 weeks earlier than they planned.  We also called my parents and let them know BBC3 was coming.  I brought a baby name book w/ me to the hospital, since we were still not decided.

I asked the nurse if I could have a room with the big hydrotherapy tub - not available, then if I could have a room with a regular tub (instead of just a shower) - not available.  So I was pretty bummed, b/c I had planned on using the tub to help ease labor - hoping to do it w/ no epidural again (like w/ Wyatt).  Turned out to not matter in the least because they had to hook me up to an IV so I could get pitocin.  My OB came in and said "what did you do??".  :)  The nurses and my OB were really pushing for me to get an epidural, and I kept saying I wanted to wait and see if I could do it w/out.  I had asked Art "why do I feel like they are bullying me into getting an epidural??", THEN I FOUND OUT WHY...Pitocin is a bear.  The contractions, which were bearable became unbelievable.  They were 1 minute long and 1 minute apart, and very hard as when I was in transition with Wyatt.  I thought for sure I was about to have the baby, but they checked and I was only at 4cm.  Epidural please!!  Ahhh, much better.  The Dr. had to adjust it after 20min or so, because I had a "hot spot", an area about the size of an egg where I could still feel the contractions.  That was very strange.  With the epidural doing it's magic, Art could concentrate on important things: dinner.  Curtis W. was very generous and brought Art Chipolte.  We checked that the kids had made a successful transfer to our house with Lorrie, then it was time to rest (I'd been up w/ contractions on and off since 3am).  Fast forward to 11:30pm.  The Dr asks if I'd like to "try" pushing, and I said "let's wait until I REALLY feel like I have the urge".  10 minutes later, they said he was right there, and I should give just one push to see if it does anything.  I sort of asked if we could wait until after midnight, and they basically said no, we need to do this now...and that it would take some time; he'd surely come after midnight if we started now.  They were wrong.  9 minutes of pushing and he was here.  Poor Art, had a rough time during the pushing and ended up sitting down for a bit.

After they got him all cleaned up and finished taking care of me (including removing a cyst - gross!), they gave him to me, and we got to spend some time with him.  They did his foot prints, and gave Art a cool "tattoo" of his 3rd son's feet.
One on each arm - Art chose his very appropriate DaU shirt

foot tattoo

Required post birth picture where the mom looks just horrible!  I had been up for nearly 22 hours at this point, yet the nurse thought I'd love a picture of myself. :)

Proud DaU

Our little splotchy baby - so so tiny!

The peditrician pronounced him in good health (he had some very healthy sounding screams!) and I tried nursing for a bit.  No luck, but we were pretty amazed to be holding our newborn, and he did not get whisked away to the NICU.  I was a little freaked out honestly.  We spent some time with him, and then I sent him to the nursery...I was just so so tired.

I woke up at 4:30 in the morning and called the nurse for some Motrin, and she informed me that our boy got admitted to the NICU due to respiratory issues.  Sigh.  Of course he did.  He had some fluid in his lungs and was having labored breathing.  I tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't, so I made my way down to the nursery to see him.  The setup at this hospital was the best of the 3 hospitals we've been in w/ babies.  I only had to walk down the hall about 30 feet to visit much nicer than having to go to another floor.  After I saw him, I had trouble going back to sleep.  I was waiting for Art to wake up so I could tell him the news.  He was so excited when he had called everyone telling them that we would be bringing him home with us!  I was afraid he'd be so disappointed.  I called Art's parents around 6:30am and said they did not have to rush b/c our little bit would be in the hospital for at least 3 days for antibiotics.


Nick's Hospital Stay

So after talking to the Dr. today, looks like Nick should be able to come home on Monday - IF everything goes well.  He's on a 3-day round of antibiotics.  This morning, we went to visit him in the nursery, and he had been taken off oxygen early in the morning.  Yea!  So we just need to be patient for a few days and make sure his respiration rate goes down and his jaundice numbers don't go up.

Here he is in bed.  You can see the light yellow residue from the tape where his oxygen was taped to his face.

Our little guy - all hooked up - looks so fat here

Nick wondering who these people are - he has an IV in his hand

He is still pretty splotchy from being born.  We can recognize some features.  He has the "Sklar" chin.  He and Zach both have Art's nose (Wy has mine).  We think he has the same dimples Zachary and I do.  He has almost no eyebrows nor eyelashes which is very very different from his brothers.  We are looking forward to getting to know him.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Multi-national Conga Line

The new fun thing in our house is for the "good guys"  and "bad guys" to participate in a conga line after they do their fighting.  This is multi-national, because it combines both Star Wars figures and Superhero/Super Villain figures.

April 9th - Conga line turns into a parade

Parade or extended conga line

Oranje Parade

April 13th - Superheros/villains and Star Wars Conga Line

3 way conga line after breakfast; Wyatt in his batman cape

Closeup.  Looks like the Ewoks from one corner, Star Wars and Supers combined from the other two corners.

Perhaps these were in honor of Aunt Staci's birthday today!


Saturday, April 09, 2011

Monkey Joe's!

The lovely M. family offered to take our boys to an inflatable jump house w/ their daughter, to give me a nice Sat morning rest.  Art had never gone to one of these "jumping places", so he decided to tag along, since our car was needed anyway to transport the kids.  So that left just me at home!  Glorious!  Here's some pics of what they did.  I dressed both boys in orange so it would be easier for Art to keep track of them.:

Afterwards they enjoyed a kids-eat-free Pizza Hut buffet, then headed home for a nap.

And what did I do with all that free time???  I almost never left the bed.  I worked on each boy's baby photo albums, I took a nap, I watched 2 episodes of Make-it-or break it, and I finally showered around 2pm.  Glorious!  Sign me up for another one!

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