Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Settling in with Nick

The first few days at home have been a bit hairy - good thing Opa and Oma are here for awhile to help ease the transition!  Here's some of what we've done:

Opa escaping Superhero Duty by reading!

Wyatt taking his job as big brother very seriously

Zachary feeding Nick a bottle while video chatting on the computer with Poppi and MeMa. 

Zachary revisiting his old car seat - not a bad lounging chair!

Zachary and Wyatt and I play a lot of Superhero Squad Go Fish and reading books while I nurse Yannick.  It's been very nice to get this special time with the big boys, since we rarely seem to sit down for long periods of time together, and now we're doing it several times a day!  Wyatt and I have had great bonding time too, while Zach is at school.  With Oma and Opa here, my work load has been severely diminished, and I'm able to just enjoy being a mom and taking care of Yannick.

Yannick is clearly catching up.  He does a LOT of sleeping.  More than I remember the other 2 doing as newborns.  Sometimes he'll wake only to nurse then go right back to sleep, being alert for a bit only 1-2 times a day.  There is a big difference in activity level between a baby born at 41 weeks-3 days (Zachary), or 40 weeks-5days (Wyatt) and 37 weeks on the nose (Nick).  I keep telling myself to enjoy it now while it lasts!



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