Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, April 18, 2011

Nick Comes Home!

Yannick has been cleared to come home today.  He finished his round of antibiotics (and it was deemed that he did not have an infection, and probably never did).  His biliruben test was high (10), but not high enough (12) to keep him and treat him for it.  He has been eating well.  Now the last obstacle to pass is the carseat test.  They have him sit in his carseat for 30 min to make sure his respiratory and heart rates stay normal.

Nick looking tiny in his carseat

As a side note, we were not really prepared 1) for Yannick to be born so early and 2) for him to  come home from the hospital so quickly.  Zachary - 10 days late, 7 days in the hospital; Wyatt - 5 days late, 17 days in the hospital; Yannick - 3 weeks early, 4 days in the hospital.  As part of our unpreparedness, the cover to the carseat was washed just this morning, and still a bit damp when we went to pick him up.  Bad parents?

While he snoozed in the carseat, the nurse gave us the full discharge spiel.  Then it was time!  I dressed his teeny tiny body in his going home outfit Nana bought.

Our little peanut

Mommy w/ the littlest Counts boy

Proud DaU

Then we gathered up our freebies (a ton of stuff!  Thx St. Francis!) and put him back in the carseat for the 0.7m ride home.

Nick w/ his monkey blanky - thx Nana!

When we got home, he was still asleep, so we left him in the carseat, and I went off to nap.  And so it begins!



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