Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Sunday, January 02, 2011

When the cat is away....

What do the mice play?
Here's what my kiddos did while I was out enjoying a sister trip.  When asked if they missed me, Zach said "well, not so much, it's fun here".  Well that's good.

Wyatt eating cookies & drinking Vitamin Water with Aunt Juicenana

Zachary and DaU building with Legos

MeMa taking care of everyone - busy at the sink

Wyatt eating - is that a chocolate donut? - after church

And I must also comment on Art.  My side of the family has not really ever seen him in "computer gaming" mode.  Art hasn't had much change to put in solid hours at a time since Zach was born, but still manages an hour or so here and there.  Today, however, Art locked himself in the office, both so Poppi & MeMa could get time w/ the boys w/out Art being around, AND (more importantly to Art) to get some good gaming time in.  4 hours straight.  He did not come out of the office to eat lunch, use the facilities, get something to drink...nothing.  He emerged when I got back, and Dad & Faye were relieved to see that he was alive.  Faye wondered at one point if she should check on him.  I mentioned to Dad on the phone that I had spoken with Art and Dad's response was "oh, good, we were not sure if everything was ok in there - he hasn't come out in hours".  Art was in heaven.  A bit dehydrated and hungry after emerging, but worth it.



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