Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas with Nana!

We stayed overnight at a wonderful hotel again this year.  We had a 1 bedroom suite this year (no upgrades to 2bd avail), complete with fireplace and kitchen.  The boys, Art and I arrived to the hotel a bit after Mom did.  Unfortunately, we left Wyatt's sleep needs (khaki, blanky, paci) at Leisure Dr., and needed to go back for them.  That worked out well, because Mom needed more time to wrap the Christmas presents.  When we got back, it was time for dinner, and we decided to eat at the Welcome Home Meal the hotel has during the week.  It was Mexican night, so we feasted on tortillas, rice, cheese, etc.  Nice easy, yummy meal.  Then we headed back upstairs to play for a bit, AND to open some presents.  Not all of them got wrapped, so they would get to open more the next day, after we wrapped them all.  Mom had bought a firelog, and we started a fire before the festivities. The boys were very excited to get MORE PRESENTS of course.  Several of the things they opened tonight were clothes, with more of the toys saved for the next day.  Zach wasn't enthralled with the clothes, but Wyatt LOVED his Mickey Mouse pjs.  He insisted he put them on right away.  Nana got to open her presents from us and the boys tonight too.
Nana opening a bowl that Zach decorated w/ his preschool.

After staying up pretty late, being read to by Nana, the boys finally went to bed.  They were so keyed up though, that they were nowhere near ready to sleep.  There was definitely a struggle, and some tears involved.  They boys went to sleep, each in their own double bed while the adults stayed in the living room.  The boys would get moved b/f the adults went to bed. 

Nana and her boys about to read bedtime stories

Once the boys were quiet in bed, Mom and I wrapped the rest of their presents while Art got to watch Without A Trace, a show that he loves, but rarely has a chance to watch.  We all finished up about the same time, and broke out the games and hot cider.  We played two games of Mom's favorite - Sequence, then played two games of Bananagrams, a new game we got for Christmas.  By then it was time for bed.  We had planned on Art & I in one bed, Mom & Zach in the other, and Wy in the pack-n-play.  Mom had other plans.  So we could sleep late in the morning, she suggested a slumber party for her and the boys in the living room.  She and Zach slept on the pull-out couch, with Wyatt in the pack-n-play next to them.  It worked great because Art and I did not get up until after 8:30am!  What a treat!

At that point, after showers, we needed to hustle back downstairs before they stopped serving breakfast.  YUM!  Waffles, eggs, bacon, yogurt, fruit, etc.  Back upstairs for more presents! 

Knight Zachary (wearing a cape) opening his stocking

Wyatt dumping his stocking out

The boys with the big mess they made!

Looking silly by the fireplace - Wyatt's mouth full of chocolate!

They got to play with their presents some and then it was time to start packing up before check-out.  We got everything loaded in the car, and Art, the boys, and I went and played at the basketball court for awhile while Mom spent some time in the business center then running over to Ronstadt to try and turn in her time sheet.  Then off to IHOP for lunch.  We stayed and enjoyed lunch until the boys (really Wyatt) started to get pretty fussy.  It was nearly nap time, and he'd had enough.  Art took the boys back to Leisure Dr. for their naps while Mom and I went shopping for Zach's 5T clothes.  Success! We got a ton of clothes for Zachary, and Art even acquired a pair of bowling shoes (which he's always wanted) while we were out.

Now we all need a little rest before New Year's Eve festivities start!

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