Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Announcing a Third Musketeer!

It's true, we're expecting our 3rd Musketeer to arrive around May 5th.  Secretly, I'm hoping for an end-of-April arrival so we will have a neat little package of birthdays: March (me), April (Baby3), May (Zach), June (Wyatt), and July (Art).

We waited and waited to tell the kids, wanting to make it to the 12 week mark, just in case something went awry.  Art felt it would be better to wait than to tell early and then possibly have to explain a miscarriage.  So now the kids know, and they are excited!  Well, Zach is excited, and Wyatt is along for the ride.  Wyatt is excited to be a big brother, while Zachary will be a big BIG brother.  Zach and Mommy are hoping for a girl; Wyatt is hoping for a boy; DaU is fine either way, but has a slight leaning for girl.

Now we all have to get our heads around being a family of 5 and all that goes with it, including - new car??



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