Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, November 01, 2010

Zachary's swim class

Zachary has progressed so much in his swimming that we are still shocked by it.  In a few months time, he went from refusing to put his face in the water or even be splashed in the face, to jumping in and going underwater, and even swimming underwater!  Also, a short time ago, he would panic if you tried to get him to float on his back, and now he can swim the backstroke (of sorts) with no fear!  We are just amazed at the persistence and success his swim teachers have had.  He would not have done anything like that for us.  We love Zach's preschool program!  He gets to go swimming twice a week with his class.  Here are some poor quality pics and videos.  Last year, there were three swim groups in his class, and Zachary was in the lowest class.  This year, there are again 3 groups, and he has somehow made it to the highest swim class.  Just amazing!

Zach waiting for his turn to jump in

Zachary doing a "pencil drop" jump into the water, going underwater!

Zachary waiting in line with part of his class to jump in with the kick board.  They were supposed to hold onto the kick boards as they jumped into the water, but Zach threw his in the air, then jumped in, and had to swim a good distance away to get it, before using it to swim to the end of the pool.

Zachary practicing swimming under water

Zachary swimming under the water to his teacher, then swimming back; I am still shocked when I see this!



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