Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

This year we decided to do things a little differently.  We went to the house of the co-leaders of our bible study group.  We wanted to be just a hint of "missional" this year, so we paired up with the B family to give out candy to the kids and hot cider to the adults.  Our family went early, around 4, to do our trick-or-treating in their neighborhood, then help hand out candy and cider.  The cider was a hit, especially as the sun started to go down and it got colder and colder.  The boys had a great time trick-or-treating, and got quite a haul.  Our touche bag will be full for many months.  Here are some pics of the evening

Huge spider made of trash bags

Counts Family all dressed up:
Zachary - Spiderman
Wyatt - Basketball player
Art- 1970s Detective
Shayna - Hershey's Kiss

Zachary, Wyatt, Shayna trick-or-treating

Art as a bad 1970s cop/detective

Counts fam trick-or-treating

Wyatt trick-or-treating

Here, Wyatt needed to take a break from trick-or-treating to play some basketball in a neighbors front yard.  Zach kept saying "Come on WYATT, let's go get more candy", and Wyatt would say "in a minute, in a minute"  The only 2yr old I know that would prefer to play basketball over get candy.

Zachary and Wyatt trick-or-treating

Wyatt preparing to hand out candy to kids & Zach enjoying some hot cider

Wyatt and Zach, post trick-or-treating watching Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown in the super comfy seats, on the massive flat screen tv at the Blair's.

They boys loved running to answer the door when it rang, to check out the trick-or-treaters.

Fun night for all.



Blogger Bethany Headley said...

I love the costumes. The Art & Shayna ones are very you guys and suddenly made me miss you and your quirky sense of humor. :)

8:46 AM  

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