Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, October 22, 2010

Crafty Morning

Zachary decided NOT to go to school today.  He said "we don't get to play a lot at school, so I'd like to stay home and play".  And play we did.  We also took a break to make 11 Halloween cards.  I drew the words and picture on the front, then each boy got their own side of the inside of the card to decorate how he chose - coloring, stickers, etc.  They worked very hard on these.  It took several sittings, as they would get bored after a short time, but worth the effort.  They both got rewarded for their efforts with Halloween candy.  Unfortunately, for a few days afterwards, Wyatt asked for candy after he did ANY coloring.  No dice pal!

Boys working hard

Wyatt was a big fan of the stickers, and it was hard to get him to pace himself for the 11 cards. Zachary on the other hand, made sure he had enough stickers in the same proportions for each card.

Zachary and I were still in our jammies at lunchtime.  Zach said "hey mom, after lunch, can I get some real clothes on".  I took that as a sign that I'd better shower and get my clothes on too. :)  Got to be clean for nap time!



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