Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

First 2010 Halloween Party

Here are the boys, preparing to go to a Halloween party at Zach's school.  It's a dinner for all 3 part-day preschool classrooms.  This means that Zach's best friend Kale will be there.  It was a crazy fun evening.  The boys were having so much fun that Zach opted to skip AWANA Cubbies and stay and play more at the party.  As room-parent, I stayed late and helped clean it all up.  We all had a fun fun time.

Wyatt- basketball player, Zachary- Spiderman

Both are so proud of their costumes and have been wearing them constantly.  Wyatt is thrilled that he can get his wristband on all by himself!  He will tell you his favorite basketball player is either "Wyatt" or "Michael Jordan", whose videos we watch on youtube.  After the party, Wyatt let me know that he did not like to bring that small orange ball, because he could not dribble it very well.  He said that he would bounce it and it would go everywhere.

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