Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, July 09, 2010

WI Farm Trip - Last Day - Canoe Trip, Cook-out & C-ya

Today was the day of the all-day canoe trip!  We were packed and ready - lunches, sunscreen, drinks, bug spray, a few toys (unnecessary!), extra clothes for the kids (why not the adults??), hats, water, snacks, candy, and the kitchen sink (it felt like).

We drove and drove for about 30+ minutes to get to the Kickapoo (HA!) river and the Titanic (uh oh!) canoe rental.  We all got outfitted with life vests (which only the kids wore), and paddles.  Note to self (and anyone else with small kids), even though the canoe only requires 2 paddles, PLEASE get one for each of the kids too.  Sigh.  Could avoid 4-5 hrs of "can I have the paddle now?".

Here we are, ready to leave, courtesy of Jess' tripod and camera

Zach, Wyatt, & Shayna kneeling in front, Art behind us, Ulricksons on the right, Barrett family (minus a sick Kriztine), and Chad's sister (or sis-in-law??) & 2 kids in back.

Zach is being pitiful because he's READY TO GO PADDLE. Here he is feeling better

Z showing off the paddle he's going to share w/ DaU.

And that's the last of the pictures, as we did not take the camera with us.  It was a great trip, about 30 minutes too long for us, and our exhausted kids, but worth it.  Wyatt was so tired, that after we gave him his paci around 2:30, he nearly fell asleep in the canoe.  Would have had I not tried to move him to lie down in the front of the canoe.  We discovered that it was best for me to sit in the front and Art to sit in the back.  One time we switched, and Art got more and more irritated because I was too focused on "mom-ing" than paddling or steering.  We *might* have run into many things and gotten caught b/c I was busy with snacks or sunscreen or something.   The boys loved being in the canoe and were wonderfully behaved - almost no whining or complaining (except for "when can I have the paddle??")  We let them hang over the canoe (w/ us holding them of course) and kick with their feet which they loved.  There were 5 canoes total, with some of the occupants switching around, except for us and the Ulricksons. I would definitely do it again w/ the boys!  Art will remember to sit on the life vest to save his billa from aching!

After the trip, we put dry clothes on the boys, changed Wyatt's diaper (oops!  old poop = diaper rash), and drove back to the Barrett place.  Again, the boys were asleep in the car.  Sam was desperate for Zach to wake up and jump on the trampoline with him.  Too bad for Zach, as soon as he woke up, it was into the shower for he and Wyatt!  Then of course, the trampoline. :)  The Barretts were doing a massive cookout.  I had made a heath bar trifle earlier that morning for dessert.  Dave had made iced coffee.  While the kids played, Art and I packed up the car and got ready to go.  After a yummy dinner (and Wyatt pounding on his pemil while apologizing to Steph for pushing her), s'mores, and playing, the Counts family ended the Wisconsin farm trip.  We needed to get back home so Zach could attend his music camp class on Sat morning.  This was the end of our farm trip, but not the end of our Ulrickson trip.  They were spending the night with us again on Saturday night (Carmen's Pizza baby!) before their flight back to ABQ on Sunday.

What a great trip!  Thanks to the Ulricksons for inviting us, and thanks to the Barretts for letting us come and stay on their property (and for lending us the camper!).

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Blogger Bethany Headley said...

Oh my gosh, this picture makes me so jealous! Sounds like you guys had a fabulous time.

10:24 PM  

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