Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy Birthday USA!!

Happy 4th of July!  Happy Independence Day!

After bidding our friends, the Ulrickson family goodbye, we set to work getting ready for our 4th of July celebrations.  We were headed to a cookout at our friends, the Mangrich family, house.  I prepared a Heath Bar Trifle for one of the desserts.  Unfortunately, after driving over to their house, with Proud to Be an American blaring out of the radio, I left the trifle at home and had to drive back to get it.  It was HUMID, and threatening to rain.  It finally did rain for a bit, but not enough to move the party inside.  Again, I totally forgot to take any pictures at the cookout and had to steal these off of someone's facebook site.

Alicia & Shayna

Joel & Annie, Art & Wyatt

Kale & Zachary waiting for some food

After the fun of the cookout, we all decided on a place to meet at NWern to watch the fireworks.  Art and I. wanting to avoid the crowds leaving NWern parked on a side street and walked a bit.  We only brought 1 stroller which in hindsight wasn't the best, when kids were tired at 10:30 at night!

Our gang waiting for the fireworks

Kale and Zach laughing it up

Kale and Zach having to share Zach's chair after Wyatt insisted he needed his chair and Kale had to move

The two boys again, waiting patiently

Mommy & Wyatt as dusk approaches

Poor Art.   He had a very miserable experience.  Zach informed us that he had to poop.  We had no idea where any bathrooms were.  Art ended up going the LONG LONG way, taking Zach to the bathrooms at Dawes Park.  He had to carry Zach the whole time b/c he had neglected to put his shoes back on, plus it was HOT. and HUMID, and eventually did rain on them a bit.  Once they got to the massively long line, waited through it, and found no toilet paper and a wet toilet seat.  Art had to hold Zach, hovering above the toilet, so he could go.  Uggh.  Poor Art.  Then they raced back (getting caught in the rain) and just made it in time for the fireworks, being gone over 30min total.  I was starting to get a bit nervous about them.

Once the fireworks started, Wyatt ended up in my lap, afraid, and Zach was enjoying them.  Wyatt warmed up to them and switched (Art stole him) to Art's lap, and Zach sat with me for a bit, and sat in his own chair for a bit.  It was a glorious show, and we all enjoyed it!

Afterwards, the walk back to the car was endless.  Zach in the stroller, Wyatt on my shoulders until Wyatt started to fall asleep, then us carrying Zachary with Wy asleep in the stroller.  Then the wait in the car was hideous too, but both boys were asleep which made that easier.  Still, totally worth it!

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