Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, July 07, 2010

WI Farm Trip - Day 2 - Jess' hometown & Camp Douglas

We woke up EARLY.  Too early.  It gets bright here earlier than in Evanston.  As far as we could tell, we were up before anyone else.  So we took a walk down the road looking at farm stuff.  Jess came and got us once her family was up, and we all ate breakfast (cereal).  NOTE: The milk we drank was milk right from the cow, collected earlier that morning.  Not homogenized, etc.  Logically, no big deal, mentally, a bit weird, not drinking milk from some official grocery store container, and it still being a tad bit warm.

Jess took us into New Lisbon, the next town over, where she grew up.  We went and chatted with her mom, saw the house she grew up in.  So fun to see where people came from, and what it was like for them!  Then off to the church (they were having VBS, and we thought for just a few moments that we might want to drop the big boys, Sam & Zach off. hmmmm) she went to, the school, and most importantly, the library where she volunteered (inspiring her to want to be a librarian one day).  The old librarian had just retired but the new one had heard many stories about Jess (she was a fav!).  We read a few books to the kids, did some coloring, and Art and I checked our emails (sweet sweet internet!).  Then we were at a loss as to what to do.  Jess had wanted to go to the "ole watering hole" but it was raining. What to do, what to do.  Luckily, Camp Douglas was allowing visitors on to view the museum.  FOR FREE (my fav admission price!).  They had a museum inside of war/soldiers, etc throughout the years, and outside they had war-time vehicles throughout the years.

Sam, Zach, Wyatt with rockets (and Art trying to stay out of the picture)

Zach posing by a soldier in a bunker

Old-timey vehicle w/ Sam & Steph climbing on it


Sam trying to shoot Art and Dave

Wyatt and Steph preparing to rule the world

Sam, Zach (mid-air) and Wyatt checking out the Huey

military vehicle row

It was drizzling on and off the entire time we were outside.  We piled into cars and drove around the complex looking at all the aircraft they had on display.  Poor Sam.  He would ask "Mommy, is that a Firebird XLJ 290 (or whatever)?", and Jess would say "ummm, Sam, that's a....plane" :)

Back to the house for lunch & naps!  A very nice impromptu activity.

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