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Wednesday, July 07, 2010

WI Farm Trip - Day 2 - Cave Adventure

After naps we needed something to do.  The sun had come out, and it was getting hot hot hot.  Jess thought a nice cool-down in a cave was in order. So we drove (everywhere is driving 15+ min) over to an unmarked trail, taking us up to the cave.  It was a difficult climb with all the little ones.  Jess' nieces Kate & Emily went with us too.

Counts, Ulricksons, Barretts outside the small cave opening

Zach and I lead the way; Zach was pretty nervous to go in there, despite the fact that he had a flashlight.  I could not disagree with him, it was a bit creepy walking in there!  Not everyone had a flashlight but everyone wanted one!  It was a neat little cave, nice and cool inside.  We probably only walked in 50 yards or so.  There was evidence that someone had made a fire in there.

The crew on the inside of the cave

Jess & Steph braving the steep trail down

During the decent, some wild raspberries were discovered and everyone had a good time picking and eating them!  Now back to the house - time to tour the farm!!

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