Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Boys Birthday Bash

We put off having a "public" birthday party for the boys this year until Opa and Oma were going to be in town.  They have never been with us to celebrate a birthday, so we thought it would be fun to include them this year.  Because the boys are still young, and mostly have the same friends, we had a combined party for them.  Zach got to invite 2 families from church, and 2 families from school, and Wyatt invited his one good friend.  Out of the 5 families invited, only 3 were able to come, which was plenty!  Both boys were happy.  Evie/Kale (& baby Gwyn) came from church, and Caroline/Natalie from school came.  Wy's invite of Morgan came too. 7 kids, 12 adults.  Instead of a Pub Crawl, we had a Park Crawl (more appropriate for kids!).  We started out at "Big Slide - Baby Slide" park on Hinman for about an hour or so, then "crawled" down the street to the tiny park behind our house to grill food.  I somehow totally forgot about the camera in my pocket and took almost no pictures.  The pics we have are thanks to 1) Alicia taking them w/ her camera, and 2) Stephanie taking over my camera for me!

At big slide-baby slide
Wyatt and Kale checking out the action

Kale, Zach, Caroline, Evie, Natalie trying to play "ring around the rosy" while going to the other playground.

Once we were at the playground behind our house, the food was nearly ready (Art and his parents left early to get going on the food).  They started handing a table, chairs, etc over the fence and loading it down with food.  I brought out the picnic basket with beer and bottles of wine, then went back inside the house to help out with a potty break.  UNBELIEVABLY, someone called the police, and the parks & rec security came by and told everyone to throw away the alcohol or face a $700 fine. YIKES!  That was a bit of a disaster since I had almost no other drinks besides water for the adults.

Zach, Natalie, Evie, Wyatt not eating dinner

The spread

Eagerly awaiting cake & presents

Still working on dinner, presided over by Ben

Bringing out the cookie cake and brownies w/ the candles on them

Zachary and Wyatt blowing out the candles

Happy kids eating dessert: Evie, Morgan, Wyatt, Kale, Zach, Natalie

3 happy/tired/hot  Moms: Shayna, Alicia, Stephanie

Happy birthday boys!

After the cookie cake and brownies were being dug into, our neighbors arrived back from their weekend trip.  Their two older kids, Glynnis and Elora, came over for some cake and fun.

Kale, Glynnis, Evie, Wyatt

Glynnis and Evie atop the playground canopy

Happy Birthday my two sweet boys!



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