Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Two Proud Boys

It generally amuses me when the boys do something *I* think is silly and they are SO VERY proud of it.  It is a fun parent moment.  Here are two of those moments.

Wyatt hiding behind shelves

Here, Wyatt has discovered how to crawl behind the shelves in his and Zach's room.  He is sitting on the "old electronics" box (WHY do we have this box anyway??), and peering out.  This is where I found him after looking for him b/c things were "just too quiet".  He is VERY proud of this moment!

Zachary's "everything touching" parking lot

Zach was pretty pleased that he made a parking lot where every car was touching.  He did let me know that it was not a "real" parking lot, b/c cars can't really do that.  He was quite proud to have come up with a new and different parking lot.  This picture actually made me a proud Mom, b/c I think it's a great picture!



Blogger S. Taylor said...

I'm digging the hair.

4:58 PM  

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