Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Video time

A few times a week, Zach gets to watch a video (20-40min) of his choice. Usually Wyatt is not at all interested in watching it with Zachary, which is good, b/c we would prefer he watch no tv before he's 2. However, today, they were both engrossed. Dexter, sleeping happily in the background. Actually, Dexter's presence was not totally welcome. Zach likes to watch his videos sitting on the ottoman. He asked me to move Dex, but I declined. So he had to make due w/ another pillow. Why he doesn't want to just sit on the couch or the circle chair, I don't know. Irks me when Art does it!

Totally engrossed

Dexter happily sleeping, no idea Zach was plotting his removal from the ottoman

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