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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Date Night!

Art and I have an arrangement with another couple, S & B Mangrich, to alternate weekly date nights. They bring their daughter (a month older than Wy) to our house on their Thursday nights, she plays, then we put her to bed, and they pick her up later in the evening. On our Thursday nights, we take our boys to their house for playing and going to bed. It's a great system for us (we think they get the short end b/c our boys are so HYPER), ensuring we get a date night at least every other week. Both couples have been utilizing the advice given by an older married lady at a bridal shower back in the summer. Each spouse takes turns planning the entire date, doing whatever that person likes/wants to do. That way once a month, each of us gets to do exactly what we'd like to w/out worrying about the other spouse liking it or not. For example, one of Art's date nights involved grabbing a beer at a sports bar/grill and watching GT Football. We have had a lot of fun with this, plus each couple gives the other one ideas of what to do.

Art & I playing a car racing game

Here are Art and I at date night recently: Nickle City arcade, an idea given to us by S. Mangrich. It was a ton of fun. Most games are one nickle to play, but some are 3-8 nickles depending on the game. We played DDR (dance dance revolution) for 8 nickles each which was both fun and a good cardio workout. Guitar Hero was about 5 nickles each, but also fun, once you got the hang of it. They also have an area of Free Play games; mostly old school games like Track & Field, Tetris, Mortal Kombat, etc that are all just free. They have a bunch of "redemption" games where you play for tickets, like skee ball, etc. Pretty cool place. We paid $2/person to get in and then bought a $3 bag of nickles. $7 date is awesome! They closed at 9pm, and we had no idea 1) that we were the only people left in there and 2) what time it was, until they shut down the power in the middle of a game. All the games got shut down...very cool shutting down noise from all those games.



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